History of the Troop
In 1914 when Australia joined the war, there were 23 Lighthorse regiments of militia volunteers. The 3rd Lighthorse regiment (AIF) was formed comprising C Squadron from Tasmania, along with A and B Squadrons from South Australia. As part of the 1st Lighthorse Brigade, they saw action at Gallipoli, fighting as dismounted troops. They were instrumental in the battle of Romani defending the Suez Canal against the advancing Turkish forces and participated in the following Sinai and Palestine offensive which included the taking of Beersheba.
Current Troop
As an historical re-enactment troop we endeavour to keep alive the traditions and activities of the Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, displaying some of their training exercises and providing an opportunity to see the uniforms and equipment of the Lighthorse as they were used. Each member of the troop collects and maintains his own original or accurate reproduction equipment. Great care is taken with the uniforms and equipment to be as accurate and true to history as possible.

Lighthorse Troop Activities
During the two world wars, Lighthorse militia regiments were maintained and regularly attended rural agricultural shows around Tasmania, demonstrating the various skills required to train soldier and horse for effective military service. Troops were located at various centres, and these often used to compete with each other in the various skill-at-arms activities. Skill-at-arms was historically part of the training for the Mounted Infantry prior to and following the war. They provide the horse and rider with necessary basic skills for mounted combat. Like our forebears, we display some of these skills at various agricultural shows as we are invited.